The Useless Box

Improve Your Useless Box

This instructable shows you how you can improve your useless box, when it is reacting way too fast so you have little time to remove your finger after toggling the switch to activate the box.. Step 1: Introduction In the start or home position, the mechanical finger, that is connected to a gear motor M1, […]

Anti stress Useless Box Electronic Useless Box Toy Funny Decoration From Wood s Table Tricky - Useless Box

The Useless Box

Introduction Above: the “toxic minion” say hello to the post readers. Don’t?   As shown in the Art-a-Tronic post of the PiCasso Design Challenge Art-a-Tronic Extra – Robots Got Talent in Malem the exhibition changed a while its level of interactivity moving to the Gent Malem neighborhood hosted as part of the MSAP, the Malem Street Art Project, from a […]

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